Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Request a demo

Would you like to look into the CTrac CRM software before purchasing? Then request for a demo and get a complete demonstration on the product.

Access this link and request a demo:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Unable to manage customer details?

Do you need a system where you can put all your customer database?
Are you in trouble searching the contact details of your prospect?
U wouldn't be interested to invest huge amount on big softwares which is not required for your organization?

Then visit www.ctraccrm.com. You may find a solution for all your issues here.
CTrac CRM, a client tracking software which can suit small and big sized organizations who would need simple and cost efficient software. User friendly with features that can help you tackle your prospects or improve your sales, marketing and customer service, this can be the one which can solve all those data management and administration work in your company.

For any queries you can reach us a 9538925641 or simply send an email at info@denisystech.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can CTrac serve Healthcare Industry?

Yes, CTrac CRM can serve healthcare industry too. Doctors who would like to maintain patient details and schedule appointments in their clinic can use CTrac.

How doctors can use CTrac?
1. Add patient with all the necessary details.
2. Schedule appointments to patients.
3. Reschedule appointments if required. 
4. Intimate patient about the appointment given by sending email or SMS.
5. Add sufficient notes and details about the patient history, treatment or medication.
6. Search patient details whenever required.
7. Generate daily, weekly or monthly report to know how many patients have visited the clinic or simply get any kind of report.

Well, if this sounds exactly the kind of software that you are looking for to manage your patient details in your clinic then contact me. I can help you to set up a CRM account. We have different kinds of packages available. Contact us at 9538925641 or simply log into www.ctraccrm.com for more details.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We will help you

Let us know how do you manage your customer details or enquiries. Tell us the story about how much difficulty you may be facing in your day to day life maintaining these enquiries. Your story can actually make us understand the type of business that you are into and what is the difficulty level in administrating the customers or to maintain their data. We would like to make an analysis from business point of view which would really help us in our research.

We would like to hear it from you. Please send us the details by email to swetha@denisystech.com

Thank you in advance. We will be happy to receive your email.