Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a direct way of marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic mail method. Email marketing could be to send advertisements to leads, request business, direct sales email, etc.
Sometimes, in an attempt to target new customers, businesses tend to forget existing clients. Most small businesses need to create an email marketing campaign to leverage existing clients.
Businesses can make use of Email Marketing to target new as well as existing clients. Here why email marketing is beneficial:
- Most businesses create special offers, ads and reminders for their customer in the form of printed material. Here email can be utitlized to create such formats and thus reducing the time and expenses involved.
- Sending emails to clients do not involve any costs as compared to the printing and posting material charges.
- Managing email campaigns is fairly an easy job which can be done by sales executives or even by the managers. No need to hire employees or increase the work load of existing staff.
Email marketing helps the companies to target the right audiences and applications which offer email marketing solutions also provide tools to analyze and measure responses.
Email marketing is one of the easiest and quickest form of communication to target leads and customers. It is also a convenient form for communicating with clients.
With all these benefits, it is quite clear that email marketing campaigns can help all types of businesses in reaching their customers.
Maple CRM provides Email marketing solution for all types of Businesses. The solution comprises of Template based emails (both plain text and html). Easy grouping and tagging of specific customers. Visit

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